A Multi-College University
- Agric. Sci.
- Education
- Sci. Eng. & Tech.
- Humanities & Culture
- Law
- Mgt. & Soc. Sci.

You are welcome to the College of Agriculture Library, Osun State University, Ejigbo Campus. The campus library was started 1st December, 2009. Within the few years of existence, the Library has over five thousand (5,000) volumes of printed resources, three hundred and twenty-nine (329) volumes of journals and non-printed resources...
It is indeed a great honour and privilege to welcome you to Osun State University College of Education Library, Ipetu-Ijesa campus. The college library is 68km away from the main library in Osogbo campus. One of the fundamental requirements of all educational system is the adequate provision of relevant and appropriate reading materials...
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You are welcome to the Colleges of Health Science & Science Engineering and Technology Library, Osogbo Main Campus. The library took off at the inception of the University. The library has over thirty three thousand (68,000) volume of books, over five hundred (800) volumes of journals, Internet connections, computer systems...
Welcome to Osun State University College of Humanities and Culture Library, Ikire Campus, a citadel of knowledge. The college Library is as old as the university itself. It has well qualified hard-working and dedicated staff. The library has relevant collections for all the programmes offered. The number of print and non print materials are enormous to serve the...
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You are welcome to the College of Law Library of Osun State University, located at Ifetedo. As an information place for future leaders and learned professionals, the Law Library is well-equipped with relevant print and non-print materials to serve the needs of the College and the University community in general towards achieving the goal...
The College of Management and Social Sciences is located in Okuku Campus. The college is currently having five (5) Departments. The college Library is as old as the university itself. It has well qualified hard-working and dedicated staff. The library has relevant collections for all the programmes offered. The number of print...
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